Washington — US Congressman Dwight Evans in District D-3 provides $ 1 billion in federal funding over the next decade to help local and state police increase both deadly and non-fatal clearance rates A shooting case that is co-leading a new bill to do.
“Helping state and local police resolve more deadly and non-fatal shootings will be a huge victory for Philadelphia and national public security. Local prosecutors bring cases beyond their reach. This is safer in our neighborhood because we can’t, “Evans said.
“As someone who has sought help from victims of gun violence, we are also very pleased that the bill will provide victims and their families with mental health resources and assistance in shelter, wages and relocation costs,” Evans said. Said.
Evans is a major co-sponsor of the Violent Incident Clearance and Technological Investigative Methods (VICTIM) Act (HR 5768). The bill establishes a Department of Justice (DOJ) grant program with the following objectives:
• Hire and retain detectives to investigate murders and non-fatal shootings.
• Get resources to process evidence, including hiring additional personnel.
• Hire trained personnel to analyze criminal information and criminal tendencies.
• Train detectives and evidence processors on effective procedures and techniques.When
• Make sure that victim services are well staffed, funded and trained.
Grant recipients should report to the Department of Justice information on how the money was spent and how it affected clearance rates for murders and non-fatal shootings. The National Institute of Justice will regularly assess the effectiveness of the policies and procedures implemented by the grantees to improve clearance rates and report their conclusions to Congress.
The main sponsor is Bar Demings, a Democratic U.S. lawmaker in Florida, a 27-year-old police veteran who said: Half of the shootings in the United States remain unresolved, with victims often left with justice and little assistance. The law provides important new funding to US law enforcement agencies to hire and train detectives and professionals who are working specifically to investigate unresolved crimes, comfort victims, and convict them. Will be injected. “
The law is strongly supported by professional law enforcement researchers and organizations, including national organizations of black law enforcement executives, major city ministers’ associations, and the National Police Foundation.
Evans is co-leading a bill that will provide $ 1 billion to resolve a shooting case | All over the United States
Source link Evans is co-leading a bill that will provide $ 1 billion to resolve a shooting case | All over the United States