HRC endorses Congressman Evans

HRC endorses Congressman Evans

I am pleased to let you know that the Human Rights Campaign Public Policy Committee voted to endorse Dwight Evans’ campaign for U.S. House of Representatives for 2018.

With the many challenges facing the LGBT community, we’re honored to count you as an ally in standing up for issues of fairness. From your support of the Equality Act to marriage equality and fighting for persons with HIV and AIDS, we applaud your commitment to fundamental equal rights for all.

Attached is an endorsement “seal” that you can use on your website’s endorsement section. We hope you will also use it on social media, and we would love you to tag @HRC and mention #EqualityForward and the importance of the #EqualityAct in the next Congress. Please share social media posts with me, and we can try to lift them up on HRC’s platforms as well.

We look forward to continuing our work together.


Mike Mings
Director, Political Action Committee
Human Rights Campaign